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"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them".---Ephesians 2:10

Three nuns walk through a vegetable garden close to the Mary Andinet Monastery in Kalamin in Tigray, Ethiopia

In the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit One God


'Each one should use whatever gift he has received

to serve others, faithfully administering

God's grace in its various forms.' ---------I Peter 4:10



Request for volunteers for hermitage / monastery building project


At this time we are seeking volunteers who can assist in this building project of the hermitage and monastery where two churches will be erected. The main church: “Kidane Mehret” (Covenant of Mercy) dedicated to our Lordess, The Blessed Holy Virgin Mariyam, The Mother of God and a smaller church “Kidane Selam” (Covenant of Peace)”, dedicated to Saint Kristos Semra, The Mother of Peace. Both will be in the traditional Ethiopian Orthodox architectural design.


Please find in this package below a Volunteer Skills Inventory application. Download and fill out all necessary items that apply to you. If you know someone who may want to be involved, please send them a copy of this package or email to be emailed a copy of this application.


Let us pray that our Lord, God and Savior Eyesus Kristos, has found this well pleasing to Him and that He will grant us His mercy and grace to accomplish this spiritual work.


May the Covenant of Mercy and the Covenant of Peace be with you all.


Ema Menet Emahoy Woletta Sellassie - Black

Mother of Monastery - Abbess

Kidane Mehret Kidane Selam

EOTC Hermitage and Monastery


Phone: 607-214-4073


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